Tour Guide Chaplains
Why are Tour Guide Chaplains needed?
The Holy Spirit draws visitors to “The Empty Cross”TM, who have needs for more of Jesus Christ in their lives. The Holy Spirit leads by lighting a spark in visitors’ hearts. God also calls some Christians to serve as Tour Guide Chaplains at the Tabernacle Garden, to fan the flame of the Holy Spirit’s FIRE, for the benefit of each visitor and the glory of the Lord.


What do Tour Guide Chaplains Do?
Tour Guide Chaplains serve our Father in Heaven and His children. They provide tours, answer questions and pray. They provide insights about garden history, artwork, symbolism and share personal testimonies. These genuine Christians can also lead visitors to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and can perform Water Baptisms. These men and women also encourage Born-again believers to be fully empowered through the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” experience. Tour Guide Chaplains also listen and lead visitors in prayers for forgiveness of family members, friends and others from painful circumstances. They listen and lead visitors in prayer to receive victory over fear, illness and obstacles in their lives through God’s grace and the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. These Christian leaders pray specifically for physical and emotional healing needs acknowledged by visitors. The people are encouraged to go forth and serve the Lord in their respective places of life.

Why are TCKF Tour Guide Chaplains Commissioned?
The Commissioning acknowledges before God their commitment to serve visitors at The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden, through the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Eleven new Tour Guide Chaplains experienced the privilege and joy of Commissioning in 2019. The Commissioning Ceremony connects the spiritual significance of the artwork and imagery displayed at the Garden Tabernacle with the responsibilities and commitments of each Chaplain. Please pray for each TCKF Tour Guide Chaplain to perform their ministry of love through the power of the Holy Spirit.

These volunteers, from different Christian denominations, are trained to function as both tour guides, and Christian chaplains. All TCKF Tour Guide Chaplains know the basic story of the garden and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The red servant’s aprons are presented to qualifying candidates upon completion of their basic training. Each new Tour Guide Chaplain is set in place by TCKF Trustees and the TCKF Fire Marshalls, who lead this group, who are referred to as the “TCKF Volunteer Fire Department”. These Christian volunteers carry the love and fire of God in their bones and on their heads!