"The Empty Cross" ™

“He is not here. He is risen just as He said.”
Matthew 28:6
The Empty Cross”™ is a seven-story Cor-ten steel sculpture by artist/evangelist, Max Greiner, Jr. This stunning signed and numbered edition Cor-ten sculpture was donated to THE COMING KING FOUNDATION by Max and Sherry Greiner, and Monte and Beverly Paddleford, owners of Eagle Bronze Foundry in Lander, WY. This unique contemporary sculpture was installed on top of a 1930’ hilltop above IH-10 on July 27, 2010.

“The Empty Cross”™ is believed to be the most symbolic cross sculpture in the world because of its Biblical symbolism. The massive open hollow cross symbolizes the Resurrection, the Door, the Narrow Gate, the Strong Tower, the Mighty Fortress, and the Light of the World, who is Jesus Christ. God sees mankind through the cross while mankind can only see the true God by looking at the cross.

The Carbon Steel skeleton of the cross was covered with a Cor-ten steel skin. After scouring by sandblasting, a reddish-brown patina was released, symbolizing the shed blood of Jesus Christ.


Biblical numbers are used in the design of “The Empty Cross”™ sculpture. The $2,000,000 cross measures 77’7 inches tall with a 40’ cross arm. It weighs approximately 70 tons, including the steel in the foundation. The footprint of the cross sculpture is approximately 10’ x 10’ square, like the Holy of Holies. The interior space is 7’ wide. Four plaques inside this sacred space explain the scriptural path to salvation, filling of the Holy Spirit, healing, and miracles. Thousands of visitors to the cross have been supernaturally touched by God, many claiming life transformation, miracles, and divine healing.

For more information on Max’s art, please visit his website:

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, scorning His shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2


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