"The Divine Servant" ®
Now that I your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
Jesus Christ
John 13:1-17

Copyrighted & Trademarked creation of Max Greiner, Jr. Designs, LLC ©
“Divine Servant”® is the first Christian bronze sculpture by Kerrville, TX artist, Max Greiner, Jr. Divine Servant”® is the which was commissioned by the Holy Spirit in the spring of 1986. The art is scripturally based on John 13, which precisely describes how Jesus washed the disciples’ feet at the “Last Supper.” This message of sacrificial love, humility, and servanthood is difficult to receive today, just as it was by the disciples. Our pride resists this teaching. Jesus, however, must have considered it of utmost importance, since it was one of the last truths He communicated just prior to His crucifixion. He had to be humbled before he could understand. In April of 1986, during the height of serious problems in his family, God spoke in His “still, small voice,” as he drove onto his property in Kerrville, Texas. The voice heard in his spirit, said, “I want you to create a sculpture of Jesus washing Peter’s feet.” Without thinking, he immediately responded, “But God, what about all these things I’m doing?” Even though he acknowledged God’s instruction, he chose to disobey, not seeing how creating this sculpture could fix the financial, medical, and marriage problems facing his family at the time. However, he finally yielded to God, after almost two years of disobedience. On May 3, 1988, in preparation for making the art, Mr & Mrs. Greiner experienced foot washing with friend, Jim Beard, to better understand Christ’s example. He learned it is more difficult to have your feet washed, than it is to wash the feet of another person.
This sculpture depicts Jesus Christ washing the feet of Simon Peter on the night before the crucifixion. The artist used models for the bodies. However, the faces of Christ and Peter were based on prayer and reference to the oldest known authentic drawings of the two men, which were found in the Catacombs of Rome, made by an unknown first century artist. These ancient drawings were found in the catacombs of Rome, and are reported to be the oldest known portraits of the men. Mr. Greiner depicted Jesus strong and deliberate, power under control. In contrast, Peter was shown submitted, but uneasy and confused by the situation. A towel is wrapped around his waist as the John 13 verses describes. The foot-washing bowl, which has a foot rest, is based on an actual ceramic basin, discovered in the Holy Land, which dates back to the time of Christ. Throughout the entire creation process, the artist sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so the work would be of the highest quality and pleasing to God. Today, the “Divine Servant”® sculpture is being used by God across the world to touch hearts for Jesus!
The life-size (105%) “Divine Servant”® Bronze Sculpture was donated to THE COMING KING FOUNDATION on 11/9/12 by Max and Sherry Greiner for the glory of God. Many people consider “Divine Servant”® Greiner’s masterpiece. It has profoundly affected millions of people, including the artist. Today, the artist uses his art and testimony to bring many to Jesus Christ.