
“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

God's Rock Garden - Prayer Path

But He (Jesus) answered and said to them “I tell you that if these (people) should keep silent, the stone would immediately cry out” LUKE 19:40
Prayers Of The People Are Always Heard By Almighty God

This is the trail that surrounds the 300′ cross shaped garden (Inner Court) which contains thousands of “Prayer Rocks”.  This is the feature that came from a prophetic word from Jeff Anderson.

This rock garden suddenly appeared shortly after the main entrance of the Garden was officially opened on July 19, 2012. Like Believers at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, followers of Yeshua, Jesus Christ, write out their petitions to God on these rocks and Comment Cards. All requests are prayed over here at the cross weekly by a team of TCKF Prayer Intercessors.

This Memorial Rock Garden was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

This garden was not planned by any man. It is the creation of the Holy Spirit. God Himself touched the hearts of visitors to this garden. They wanted to praise Him and write out their prayer requests. Jesus Christ said that the stone would cry out if we did not tell people about Him (Luke 19:40).

The stones are tangible expressions of love God’s children have for their Creator. Please pray that God answers these prayers according to His riches and glory.

Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 PETER 2:4-5
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