"Lion of Judah" ®

See the Lion of the tribe of Judah; the Root of David has Triumphed.
Revelation 5:5​

The Composition

The “Lion of Judah”™composition symbolizes Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the Jews, the strong and fierce defender of God’s chosen people. Throughout art history, Jesus Christ has been depicted as the gentle “Lamb of God”, which He is. However, He is also the mighty “Lion of God”, the warrior King who is returning soon to “judge and make war” on those who have rejected His love and hurt His children. (Revelation 19:11)

Artist Max Greiner, Jr. actually began work on the  massive, tan lion (11’ long nose to tail) lion sculpture in 2007, but was delayed due to difficult circumstances in his life. The artist was finally able to finish the monumental lion sculpture 10 years after he started it.

The majestic, life-size bronze sculpture was sculpted first out of clay.  The larger than life, 105% life-size is based on the dimensions of largest male lion ever known. An additional 5% was added for God, according to the Christian sculptor and evangelist. For thousands of years, the lion has been a symbol of the Jewish nation, King David and the Messiah. It is even referenced in the first and last Books of the Bible, Genesis 49:10 and Revelation 5:5. 

The Commission

On January 4, 2006, the General Overseer of the Church of God denomination, Dr. G. Dennis McGuire, requested that Al Taylor, a national church leader, contact Max. Al asked the Artist if God had already “called” him to create a new sculpture featuring the Ten Commandments. Al and the denominations top leader felt that God had already spoken to Max in this regard. The artist confirmed that this was indeed true, but that God had not yet revealed what the new sculpture would look like. Hearing this, Al Taylor prayed for Max over the telephone, asking God to give Max a clear “vision” of the new composition.

Seven days later, on January 10, 2006, the Holy Spirit gave Max a clear “vision” of the “Lion of Judah”™ composition. This happened as the Artist/Designer walked and prayed across the newly acquired 23 acres of property, on Interstate 10 in Kerrville . This land had been given to The Coming King Foundation, for the first evangelical Sculpture Prayer Garden. At the time, Max, the foundation’s President, was praying “in the spirit”, seeking God for details regarding the Garden’s design, and the new sculpture featuring the Ten Commandments. The composition God gave Max featured a magnificent, life-size male lion, and the Ten Commandments. In addition, God also showed Max that the various names of God would also be inscribed around the sculptures base, along with other key scriptures identifying Christ as God.

The Creation Process

Max began the “Lion of Judah” creation process by creating a series of small sketches of the life-size Bronze composition, with a special base that features the Ten Commandments, the names of God and several of the primary scriptures that identify Jesus as God. 

Max then created some small artwork, based on the composition, which could be completed faster than the large sculpture, which will take a year or more to sculpt.  First, a “Lion of Judah” logo was designed, followed by Pewter and Bronze Medallions of the composition.  In addition to the Medallions, Max created a 24K Gold Plated Brass Lapel Pin.  These items are available now, in addition to other gift designs, which incorporate the Medallions.

Max began work on the Maquette of the sculpture on January 28, 2007.  The Maquette is a 1/6 life-size version of the composition that will be used to create the larger version of the sculptural composition.  This small sculpture is being made out of clay and will be the first to be cast in bronze and resin.  Eventually, Max plans to sculpt the composition in several sizes, from small to monumental.  The first two Bronze sizes completed will be the 1/6 life-size and the life-size version of the composition.  Other sizes will be sculpted as Max has time.  In addition to Bronze, Max plans to also offer some of the sizes in Pewter and Resin.

Monument Markers Surrounding the Lion of Judah Sculpture


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